Zambia - general impressions

Zambia: Some impressions from 'The Real Africa'


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Visits to Zambia usually start in Lusaka - the capitol of the country.
Visits to Zambia usually start in Lusaka - the capitol of the country.


Cairo road - downtown Lusaka
Cairo road - downtown Lusaka




A flame tree in Lusaka
A flame tree (Delonix regia) in Lusaka


Travelling in Zambia usually involves very long driving.
Travelling in Zambia usually involves very long driving.


Most roads, however, are not tarred and it may be impossible to get through in the rain season.
Most roads, however, are not paved and it may be impossible to get through in the rain season.


Big pebbles of granite.
Big pebbles of granite.


Endless view near Petauke.
Endless view near Petauke.


Weathering phenomenon of granite: wollsack weathering.
Weathering phenomenon of granite: wollsack and tafoni weathering (round holes in the rock).


Landscape at the border to Mozambique near Petauke.


A petrified baboon near Nyimba.
A petrified baboon near Nyimba.


Baobab trees are landmarks in the Zambian bush. The ancient giants are important to many African cultures.
Baobab trees are landmarks in the Zambian bush. The ancient giants play an important role in many African cultures.


Landscape at the border to Malawi near Lundazi.
Landscape at the border to Malawi near Lundazi.


A typical Zambian village.
A typical Zambian village.


Village life: early in the morning.
Village life: early in the morning.


Village life: getting water
Village life: getting water


Village life: keeping an eye on the muzungu (the white guy).
Village life: keeping an eye on the muzungu (the white guy).


Village life
Village life: guineafowls can be domesticated


The common type of savanna woodland in Zambia is called Miombo woodlands.
The common type of savanna woodland in Zambia is called Miombo woodlands.


At the end of the dry season the trees grow leafs again and bring beautiful red and green colours to the dry forest.
At the end of the dry season the trees grow leafs again and bring beautiful red and green colours to the dry forest.


The fresh leaves of a Miombo tree (Brachystegia).
The fresh leaves of a Miombo tree (Brachystegia).


Orchids (probably Cyrtorchis praetermissa) high up in a tree.
Orchids (Cyrtorchis praetermissa) high up in a tree.


Char coal is generally used for cooking and is one of the causes of massive deforestation in Zambia.
Char coal is generally used for cooking by most of the population and is one of the causes of massive deforestation in Zambia.


The end.

Zambia is always worth a trip!

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